- Q. What can I do to prepare my pet for surgery?
A. Extensive information is provided prior to each surgical procedure. - Q. Should I consider other procedures while my pet is under anesthesia?
A. Yes. Procedures such as a dental cleaning can be included in a surgical procedure at the doctors' discretion. - Q. Is anesthesia safe?
A. Yes, with established, high level precautions before, during & after each procedure. - Q. Will my pet have after surgery pain?
A. Possibly, depending pn the procedure. We have developed a post-surgical pain protocol for while your pet is in the hospital and when they go home. - Q. What do I do for after surgery care?
A. We provide detailed instructions for post-surgical in home care. - Q. Can my pet have post-surgery boarding?
A. Yes, with prior arrangement and at the doctors' discretion. - Q. Can I schedule a surgical or grooming procedure while my pet is boarding?
A. Yes, if circumstances allow, with prior arrangement and at the doctors' discretion.